Hydrogen test - lactose intolerance Wroclaw

Professional breath test – lactose
intolerance Wroclaw.

Before performing the lactose intolerance test, it is necessary to exclude SIBO and IMO by performing a hydrogen-methane test with lactulose load.

The breath test with lactose load is an easy and non-invasive examination that allows for the detection of hydrogen concentration in exhaled air. Under physiological conditions, the content of this gas in the small intestine is minimal. Its increase allows for the detection of lactose intolerance, which results from a deficiency of lactase in the mucous membrane of the small intestine.

Hydrogen test - lactose intolerance Wroclaw

How are tests performed at our facility in Wroclaw?

The patient inhales air and exhales into a special bag, which is then handed over to the staff who analyze the
sample in the QuinTron Breathtracker SC machine. Then, the patient consumes 50g of lactose dissolved in 250ml of warm water. Lactose that is not absorbed in the small intestine moves down the digestive system, where bacteria in the large intestine break it down into short-chain fatty acids, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. Hydrogen dissolves in the blood and is transported to the lungs, where its presence in exhaled air can be examined. The patient repeats the breathing procedure every 20 minutes for 120-180 minutes. The hydrogen concentration in the first sample should not exceed 10 ppm. An increase above 20 ppm compared to the baseline sample indicates lactose intolerance.

What are the indications for conducting breath tests?

  • Diarrhea with a sour smell, fatty stools, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, gurgling in the intestines, colic, occasional nausea, and vomiting,

  • Intolerance to milk, dairy products, cookies, or chocolate,

  • Suspicion of primary or secondary lactose intolerance,

  • Examination of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS),

  • Monitoring of conditions with accompanying secondary lactose intolerance (including celiac disease, carcinoid syndrome, diabetic gastropathy, HIV enteropathy, Whipple’s disease, kwashiorkor, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, radiation enteropathy),

  • Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis).

  • It is estimated that in adults, lactase activity decreases by about 70%. In Poland,
    about 30% of adult Poles do not digest lactose. 

What are the contraindications for hydrogen breath tests?

An absolute contraindication is reactive postprandial hypoglycemia.

Is a referral for the test needed?

The test does not require a referral from a doctor.

What is the preparation for the test?

Carefully read the preparation procedure for the test. This is very important, as incorrect preparation can disrupt the result and the test may need to be repeated at a different time !!!

On the day of the examination:

– Wake up about an hour before the test,
– Be on an empty stomach,
– You can drink a glass of warm plain non-carbonated water, which supports
intestinal peristalsis,
– Brush your teeth with toothpaste without xylitol or just water,
– You can use an antiseptic mouthwash,
– If you wear dentures, do not use denture adhesive,
– Do not perform any physical exercises,
– Sit in one place, do not lie down, do not sleep,
– Do not chew gum, do not eat any food,
– Do not take any medication, you can take medicine after the examination.

14 hours before the examination:

-Do not consume any food, except for plain non-carbonated water,
– Do not smoke cigarettes,
– Do not chew gum.

1-2 days before the examination:

– If you have diarrhea or normal stools, follow a 1-1.5 day diet,
– If you have constipation, follow a 2-3 day diet,
– You can only consume non-fermentable foods such as:

1. meat, fish, seafood, eggs,
2. still water,
3. rice in small amounts,
4. fats (olive oil, oil, lactose-free butter),
5. spices only pepper, salt,


– Do not consume fermentable products such as:

1. grain products (bread, rolls, pasta, groats),
2. dairy products and milk with lactose, plant-based milk,
3. vegetables,
4. fruits,
5. juices and fruit preserves,
6. nuts, seeds,
7. legume seeds.

3 days before the examination:

– Do not consume stomach drops, betaine HCl, apple cider vinegar,
– Do not take laxatives, such as lactulose,
– Do not take digestive enzymes,
– Do not take supplements with fructose.

1 week before the examination:

– Do not take probiotics and prebiotics,
– Bactericidal herbs (e.g. oregano oil),
– Avoid using proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and H2 receptor antagonists (e.g. pantoprazole, omeprazole) in consultation with your doctor,
– Do not take prokinetic agents (Prokit, Tribux),
– Do not take high doses of magnesium and vitamin C.

One month before the examination:

– do not use antibiotics (furazolidone, nifuroxazide, bismuth preparations, ciprofloxacin),
– do not undergo colonoscopy, fluoroscopy.

What could be an example menu for 1-2 days before the examination?

Breakfast: scrambled eggs with ham only in butter without vegetables and bread; hard-boiled eggs, soft-boiled eggs or fried eggs

Lunch: grilled chicken or fish, fried in olive oil, baked, stewed

Dinner: chicken or fish, etc .; eggs in any form

During the day, you can drink plain non-carbonated water, weak tea and coffee without sugar and milk.

You can perform the hydrogen and methane test at our headquarters in Wrocław